Adult Learners, Elementary

Ask an Examiner

Are Students Required to Play All Inversions?

I have had several Grades 6-8 students take their piano exams where in their technical portion, the examiner has asked them not to play each inversion of the chords (4-Note Tonic, Dom & Dim 7). An examiner even wrote in the comments that inversions are not needed. I have a student doing her Grade 7 Piano exam and we just want to know whether she is required to play all inversions?


RCM Staff

Monday, June 15, 2020

at 3:53 PM

Please be advised that Examiners ask the Technical Tests from menus which provide very specific language for requesting technical elements. A student may be asked for a Dominant 7th chord or Diminished 7th chord in solid or broken form, beginning with root position. Candidates are not required to begin a complete series of inversions, beginning in first or second inversion.

Monday, June 15, 2020

at 3:53 PM

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