Adult Learners, Elementary

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Using a Pivot Chord to Modulate

In the Level 10 Harmony & Counterpoint Workbook Unit 6 looks at modulating. It states in many places that there are more than one interpretations of chord progressions in the exercises. It presents a three step plan for modulating which includes the use of a pivot chord, but also states that it is possible to modulate without a pivot chord as long as the use of chromatic alteration of one or more scale degrees in a voice is presented.

My question is in the chorales in Unit 8, if on an exam a student ends a phrase in the home key, and the next phrase is clearly in a new key, but without chromatic alteration, do they have to mark the end of the cadence of the previous phrase with a pivot chord into the new key, or can they simply begin the next phrase in the new key as long as they state the key and mark their chord symbols accordingly? How would it be marked?


RCM Staff

Monday, June 15, 2020

at 4:42 PM

It is completely acceptable to simply start analyzing a new phrase in a new key if that’s what the music is doing. If the modulation is mid-phrase, a pivot chord is preferred where possible.

Monday, June 15, 2020

at 4:42 PM

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